
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Project 365…err...Project 341

             Other blogs that I follow have inspired me to do a project 365 on my sweet baby Lola. I planned on starting one next year when Lola was one year old, but with all of these pictures I take of her every day anyway, I figured why wait? Lola is changing so much already and I want to make sure to capture as many moments as possible. So now, I’m late. My project starts on January 25 not the first, so now it’s a project 341, instead. Oh well, better late than never I say.  We will call January my practice month. Hopefully I can stick with it, I’m sure there will be difficult days, but we will make it work.  My goal is to capture some of the simplest little moments in an amazing way. I’m not quite sure how I plan to share all of these on my blog..weekly, daily, whatever I feel like, we shall see. 

Honestly one of the hardest things for me is figuring out how I want the type on the photo.  I know I could easily leave the type off, and include it as a caption or something in the book I absolutely WILL print at the end of the year. And with as many random stories and lengthy monthly updates that I share about Lola I think just a quick little one to three word title or explanation is nice. Of course, Im sure I will still write our lengthy monthly updates, until she is one anyway. Here is what I started on. Just some samples, hopefully I will be able to choose the font I want to use soon, it’s so hard to decide! 

1 comment:

Rae said...

LOVELY!!! LOve the captions, too. I hadn't seen the Jailbird pic yet- melted my heart!!! If you are wanting some cool fonts, go to Pinterest and type in Font in the search box. Most are free and easy to download. I've got some unique ones there. Love you all. Hope to see you soon!