
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

'Tis the Season to Bake!

So, I have a feeling that sweets is going to be one of the main themes in my blog, at least until we have a child. I was so close to naming my blog “Sweet Tooth”, because that is what I have! So, it is only natural that I would take up baking. It’s my new favorite hobby, especially since I got my Kitchenaid Mixer from my awesome Aunt Karen as a wedding gift! I promised her I would take care of the cookies for X-mas this year, but I’m sure I will talk all about that in a later post. Some people meditate, I bake..or run.  Baking makes me happy. I’m not sure why, I usually have a huge mess to clean up afterwards, but it does! Everyone ask how I’m not 400 pounds as much as I like to bake and eat sweets, but the secret is SELF-CONTROL! I will only eat one of whatever I make, just to try it out and make sure I’m not going to kill anyone. Lately I have been baking goodies for Jake’s office. Everyone teases me and says I’m trying to plump up all of the ladies he works with. HAHA! No, I’m just glad I have somewhere to send my treats. So, I usually make all of my stuff from scratch, but I saw these cute little boogers in the store and couldn’t help myself. They were just too lovely looking not to make and Jake loves anything Funfetti. They turned out not only adorable, but delicious! You all need to go buy a box right now! Well, that is all for now, hope you all have a lovely day! 


Rae said...

Awesome pics! Already have a new background, huh? lol I'm constantly changing mine! Where's your blog title? Make sure you add that!

Cindy said...

I couldn't get the title to show on that one for some reason. I even tried to change the color codes and everything so I already switched again! hehe Thanks MIL, this is fun! haha

sisterlinda said...

I have never a baker BUT I love to cook! I always admired the cute cupcakes the other mom's would bring to school, for parties, when the girl's were younger...look's like you are gonna be one of!

If you ever figure out how to bake that will power of yours, I'll take a couple dozen!

Cindy said...

Haha! I wish I was a good cook! I guess I do alright when I try. I would love to take some cooking classes someday. My biggest problem is coming up with something to make and something that isn’t horrible for us, but then that always seems to cost a fortune and it takes my an hour to find all the ingredients in the store! haha But I’m trying! I’m sure I’ll bake some yummy for the next Frazier/ Crawford get together! Thanks for the comment Linda!