First of all, I started this blog 6 months ago for Hazels 18 month birthday and never finished, so the first half is from then and the second half today June 12th 2016.
Sometime in December
There is so much to say about you. You, my little one and a half year old, you are something special. Every mother wonders how they are going to love another child like their first, but it happens and it happens in the most natural way. I love you fiercely. I look at you sometimes and am completely overjoyed, I sit and watch you do the cute little things you do and think, how lucky am I to be this little girls mama. I love you Hazel Jane.
You. Lets talk about you, which is something I could do all day long. I could simply say you are a lovable, gentle, carefree, fun loving, happy, hot headed, sweet, adorable little girl, but you know I'm going to go into more detail than that. You have this smile that we all can't stop talking about. It's honestly a smile that makes everyone in the room say "oh my gosh, that smile, what a sweet, sweet smile." You could probably get away with murder with that smile. You're so happy. All the time. I wish I could take all the credit, but it's just you, you are a happy little soul and everyone around you notices. You love to love. You adore your family. Your family adores you. You're a giver. A giver of hugs, kisses, laughs, You are a lover of animals. There has never been a kitty cat or dog that you haven't squealed over. Even the fake ones. Today you found one of Lolas old dog toys that makes a barking noise and you were in love. You smiled and carried that puppy around all day. Your sister cried and wanted nothing to do with that dog. I love seeing your different personalities, but the animal thing, that's a special Hazel thing.
{I hope you never lose your sense of wonder}
June 12th, 2016 My two year old Hazel Jane.
Funny how some things stay the same and some things never change. You're still a happy little girl, with a sweet smile, that makes us swoon. You are also a very, very serious little girl, with a look that could kill. You and those furrowed eye brows, which we now call "the hazel look" The first thing that comes to my mind about you is.. happiness, you make us so happy. You give this family a little piece of fun and love that we would be without if it weren't for you. You keep us busy, you are my wild child, there is no doubt about that. You are daring and brave and love to give your mommy and daddy heart attacks daily. I'm trying my best to let you fly, to not hover and let you do your own thing. You love to love. You love your sister so much, you are always thinking of her. If your hands are full, you with reach them out to her and make sure hers are never empty. You are stubborn, so stubborn. Your favorite word is no and you use it in the most stern way possible. You're polite 98% of the time. You march to the beat of your own drum. You like things the way you like them. You are our first cuddle bug! That is when aren't in motion. You're always in motion. You never stop, you love to run and play and climb and jump and just have fun. You are curious and not afraid of anything. I hope that never changes, but if it does, I hope you know you're always safe in my arms. You love to learn and explore. You also like to jump out of your crib, which is why you are now in a big girl bed, congrats! You are friendly, you are kind, you are giving, unless its your bunny, you're never giving that thing away. We love you so much it hurts. We look at you and our heart burst with pride and joy. Hazel thank you for being our little girl, Happy 2nd birthday my happy hazelnut.
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