
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

34 Week Bump Check

34 Weeks
April 22, 2014

how far along:  34 weeks

size of baby:   

maternity clothes:  Yes, please. 

weight gain: 20 Pounds 

symptoms: heart burn & back pain while sleeping. 

looking forward to: Bring life into this World. 

exercise: Squats, squats and more 

cravings/aversions:  craving burgers and BBQ! Oh, and sweets of course 

movement: You are positioned just like your big sissy was, feet all the way on my right side, kicking me in my ribs. You are a party animal at night as well. You are lucky I am so in love with you!  Oh, and I felt your hiccups for the first time 2 weeks ago! You get them all the time, just like your sissy did!

sleep: Finally got out my snoogle!! Why did I wait this long?!?! That thing is AMAZING! Your daddy hates it though, oh well!  

gender: boy?

worries: Every little thing, is gonna be alright. 

what's different this time:  I have been getting Charlie Horses when sleeping, that never happened before. Oh and more heart burn, boooo!

milestones: Continuing the third trimester with a healthy, beautiful little baby in my belly. 

best moment this week: Mommy and Daddy bought 8 baby chicks! You my little sweet pea have some crazy parents! Easter was this week, as well. It was a beautiful day and you played in my belly while your sissy enjoyed playing outside at Grammy and Pa Pa Healey's house! 

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