
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lola’s First Bath

Lola’s First Bath!!!  
November, 4th

“I could get used to this bath thing"

 Frog belly!! haha love it!

Daddy was so gentle ;)

Just hangin out

 Lil Duck

Holdin mama’s finger

Daddy gave Lola her first bath and she loved it! Okay, well I don’t know if she loved it, but she hung out and was just chill the entire time. She looked completely relaxed, as if she was loving it anyway.  When he first dipped her in, she whined for a couple seconds, but that was it.  Mommy took pics and video taped. ; ) I would have to say, the first bath was a success!!! Good job Lola Rae!! My clean, sweet baby girl!!

1 comment:

Rae said...

She is even beautiful wet! Sweetness! I missed her while we were away! Can't wait to see her again! Love you guys!