
Thursday, September 20, 2012

For our Anniversary

The Saturday before our Anniversary, we decided to get away for a night and stay in a hotel. You may notice a furry lil friend in the picture below..yes we brought our dogter with us.  Are we weird or what?  It was a nice little get-a-way. Plus I think we need as many nights like this as we can get, before we become a family of 4! (Can’t wait)

If you’re wondering if it’s hard to sneak a dog into a hotel, not our Lilly.  And I’m not ashamed to say this isn’t the first time we have done this… We pretty much have the best dog in the World, yes we are already those parents... Does this mean our child is going to be a monster? Uh oh

So, to make us sound even weirder, I thought it would be fun to bring my fondue pot along and make chocolate covered strawberries in our hotel room….

The chocolate didn't melt quite right… Maybe I should have read the instructions before we left. But, we made it work and they were still delicious!

So on Monday, 9-10-12, our real Anniversary, Jake had to work of course.  So, I thought instead of going out to eat, like we always do, we should do something different, something we will remember.  I know, a picnic in our backyard!  It was one of the first beautiful days outside and our first year in our new home, oh plus we had recently went to Eckerts and bought these amazing apple brats. YUMMMM, they were so good.  So, I figured I would dress up since Jake already dresses up every day for work and we would have a lovely picnic outside, drink some sparkling grape juice and then cut our cake!  It was nice, and Jakes card was the sweetest thing I have ever read.  His cards are always better than mine, no fair! and I know I say this all the time, but I really do thank God for putting such an amazing man into my life. I couldn’t be happier with our marriage and how much we have grown as a couple.

We have a lot to be thankful for..

Yes, I set up my tripod for these…we are mega nerds
Oh, and I guess I should explain our Applebees hats. Our pastor surprised us with these hats when we were up at the altar. LOL It was hilarious. So we said we are going to wear them every anniversary. Oh and the cake was still soooooooo good. Jake how much did you eat again? ; )

Basically, we had a wonderful 1st Anniversary and I am so glad God brought us two goofy kids together.  I can’t wait to have 100 more anniversaries with that man! I love you babe, forever and ever!!!


sisterlinda said...

Sounds like you had a quiet and relaxing 1st anniversary. You will never forget it. There will be many anniversaries and through the years you will forget what you did on most of them....BUT the first one will always be remembered. Wayne and I have been together for 35 years....I have forgotten what we have done but I DO remember the first.

Have yourself a lovely day.

Rae said...

Thanks for loving that goofy kid of mine and so happy happy happy that he found you! What a great anniversary! Ours is Monday...but I probably can't top the apple brats and fondue! Love ya