I don’t know about you guys, but I am sooooo ready for this summer to be over with. I usually don’t mind hot weather, but come on, this summer was HOT and I’m pregnant. I feel like I have been hibernating all summer and I’m ready to get out and enjoy that fresh crisp Fall air. This summer slump I have been in, needed to go. I haven’t been in the mood to cook/bake, blog or do much of anything, but guess what….. I snapped out of it. Thank goodness. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s getting cooler, the babe is almost here, our house is starting to come along or my uncontrollable giddiness for the Holidays. Hopefully this means I will be blogging a lot more because I want to start sharing all the Fall goodies that I hope to make very very soon. Plus all the fun things I have planned for this Fall!
Things I CANNOT wait to do this Fall:
* Bake tons of Fall goodies (I have already started a list)
* Carve pumpkins (maybe at the cabin?)
* Go to the pumpkin patch….twice….maybe 3 times
* Trip to Grafton
* Put out Fall decor
* Walk to the Edwardsville Halloween parade (that will be up to Peanut)
* Take Lilly on lots of nature walks.
* Drink yummy Fall drinks (caffeine free of course)
* Hopefully find some cute/cumfy maternity clothes to wear
* Bonfire and Smores (Need to clear that with my Dr. I guess)
* Eat tons of ANYTHING pumpkin!
* Buy way too many Fall candles
* Trip to Old St. Charles
One month till Fall People
Don't forget- Decorate your nursery! That's a biggie! I have all my fall candles burning as I clean today! Can't wait till I can finally rest!
Working on that now! ; )
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