
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bump Check! 16 weeks

                                  Bump Check :16 Weeks

How far along: 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Find out June 7th.. Yikes!
Maternity clothes?:  Bella Band, but I mostly just wear dresses or yoga pants!  I need to go shopping!!
Strech marks?: Nope, but I bought 3 different kinds of strech mark cream! LOL
Sleep:  Getting up 3-4 times a night to pee..EEEKKK! 
Best moment this week: Thought I felt a jab the night of Erin’s wedding!! Haven’t felt anything since ;(
Movement:  Maybe? Hopefully any day now!!
Food cravings: No real cravings…just starting to get hungry more often
Gender: everyone thinks its a boy
What I miss: My skinny jeans ; )
Milestones: Staring to POP! ; )

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