
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Lilly!

Today is my dogter’s 6th birthday!! I can’t believe my little Lilly is already 6 years old! I think we are going to celebrate by taking a nice little trip to the park and chase the ducks since it’s such a gorgeous day.  Tonight we are going to dinner to celebrate my sisters birthday, which is tomorrow, so maybe Lilly will get some left-overs… Just because it’s her birthday! Lilly never gets people food, so she will be pretty darn excited.

As most of you probably already know, Lillian is our 1st baby and will always hold a special place in our hearts. We never knew we would fall so in love with a dog, it’s pretty sad really. ;)  We are a little worried about her feeling jealous and unwanted when the baby gets here : (((  but I know she will get over it eventually and be a great, protective big sister. She really is the coolest dog in the World.

 I just noticed I kind of sound like a crazy person in this post… Oh well!


Baby Lilly

Oh yeah… Happy early birthday to my sister too.. ; ) Love ya Nik!

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