
Thursday, February 2, 2012

One Sick Puppy

Happy Groundhog day! I don’t even know if he saw his shadow or not…lol Oh well, who cares. ; )

Yesterday I had to take my sweet, innocent puppy to the doggy doctor.  The poor thing had to get shots, a dental cleaning and a lump removed from her belly.  As we were on our usual 2 hour trip to Edwardsville, I looked over at her sweet little face just enjoying the car ride and couldn’t help but feel like I was betraying her. I know she probably thought we were heading to “Grandma & Grandpas’ house, because we usually are.  She LOVES going to grandmas and grandpas house. All you have to do is say those words and she flips out. I’m sorry Lilly.

Before: Happy Pup

Mom, where am I? Let’s get outta here!!!

After I dropped her off I went to my parents house and hung out with my silly father and played with his new toy. It was such a gorgeous day!

 I couldn’t stop worrying about my lil squirt though. I went to go wash the car to keep my mind off of her and then I finally got the call that she was ready to be picked up!! I couldn’t wait to see her!!!!

Gosh, doesn’t this just make your heart melt.  As soon as I put her in the car, I looked at her and started crying.  I couldn’t help it, she was still out of it and looked like she was so confused. She would whimper every once in a while and I choked me up ever time.  My baby was in pain and it broke my heart. We get her results back in a week. Jake says he is positive it’s not cancer, but I would appreciate if you kept Lillian in your prayers. 

This was here when we got home.. : (

She is out of it…lol

Love her
Daddy kissing and rubbing her little tummy ; )
Okay, so we are a little obsessed with our dog, she really is our child, what can I say. 

My lovin must have helped because she is acting like she feels a lot better today. Hehe ; ) She still can’t bark and she isn’t supposed to jump or run, but she tries to.  She got all her toys out today and played with them for a little bit.  She is seriously the cutest thing ever and tough like her mommy!

Thought I would share some sweets that I made the other day.  They are not healthy at all, but they sure are scrumptious! 

Raspberry Pocket Pies


I’m going to go enjoy another gorgeous day and hopefully get by butt outside for a nice run!! Have a lovely evening everyone!!


sisterlinda said...

Awwww....poor Lilly. I will pray that the results are negative. I feel bad about taking my dogs and leaving them at the wonder what their little minds are thinking. They probably wonder if they are being abandoned. It's not like they understand.

The raspberry pies look yummy..of course I am all for yummy!

Hope you get your run in and Lilly gets back to her old sweet self!

Cindy said...

Thank you Linda ; )

Rae said...

kiss Lilly for me- and bring be a yummy heart!

Cindy said...

Will do!! Well, not the heart though..they are all gone
: O