Look at these!
So cute! but I will get to those in a minute.
Happy Friday the 13th!!! I love when it’s Friday the 13th because it gives me an excuse to watch old, classic scary movies. ; ) Which is probably what we will be doing tonight, unless I can talk Jake into seeing
Beauty & The Beast in 3D with me. I want to see it so bad. If Jake doesn’t want to see it, then I guess I will just go by myself, one day while he is at work, I’m not kidding.
Last night, I finally got to use a couple of my
lovely X-mas gifts. I can’t believe it took me so long because I love them!! Here is the first one….
My tooth shaped cookie cutter!!! Thanks to my wonderful MIL, I got to bake the cutest little cookies last night. Yes, I’m going GA GA over these tooth cookies. You have to remember that the only people who eat my cookies, work in a dental office. = )
and I wasn’t able to use my my cookie cutter without without this item…
lovely little black
dress apron!!! Isn’t that adorable? I got this from Brian in the Frazier X-mas gift exchange. I love it. Alright, here are some of my tooth cookies! = )
oh, hi Lilly!
She likes to watch me bake
She also likes to watch T.V. with Jake lol
I’m not sure if you guys remember my post These are a few of my favorite things but I have updated a few items on the list. I’m still a fan of the The Tracy Anderson Method : Mat Workout DVD. I’m not doing it as much as you are supposed to, but I do have most of the moves memorized, so that has to be good right? I’m still in love with long wool socks, cozy cardi’s, & pistachios! I still make my fruit and yogurt parfaits, but I added a new ingredient…CINNAMON! Jake actually recommended it and then the next day I read about it in a magazine, so I thought I would give it a try and…. YUMMO! Yes, I’m still obsessed with bubble baths as well, but I did change the bubble bath that I was using. I now use the Sleep - Lavender Chamomile from Bath & Body. 
I like it a lot better. It has a nice, relaxing aroma plus it makes a lot more bubbles that last a long time! Too cool. lol Speaking of bubble bath, after you take your lovely bubble bath don’t forget to use O.P.I. Bubble Bath nail polish. haha I sound like a commercial, am I getting paid for this?
Yikes those nails are a little long :O
I was looking for a good neutral color and my friend Jane actually recommended this color. It’s perfect! So those are a couple of my new favorite things. Just thought I would share.
Ahh!! I have so much to write about today. Here is a progress report for my NY resolutions. So far, I have been doing pretty good at eating healthy. Besides my fart bars (hehe) and my beef jerky, I have been eating a lot of fresh foods. I even made dinner 3 times this week! I’m sorry, but I’m changing the cooking to 3 x a week instead of 5. I’m still going to try to cook dinner more than 3 times, but I’m not going to set myself up for failure. Ughh cooking healthy is so much work! I went to the store like 3 times this week. I have no idea how working moms do it. I’m guessing they probably don’t cook with a billion ingredients like I do. So these don’t sound that healthy, but they are, they are just healthy alternative & under 500 calories. Monday, I made Roasted Red Pepper Alfredo, Tuesday, I made Butternut Squash Macaroni and Wednesday, I made Salmon on a bed of rice with glazed sweet potatoes! Mmm that was my favorite. I got lucky last night, because we went out to eat with some people from Jake’s office and I got out of cooking. My other goals are coming along quite swell, I believe anyway. I have been filling my Bobble up with water throughout the day and keeping it with me wherever I go. It’s a good way to keep hydrated! I’m proud to say that I have had my treadmill for 9 days and I have ran a total of 17 miles and walked a total 18 miles. Not too shabby. I think I have been doing pretty well with my other goals as well. Let’s see if I can keep it up!

Well, I’m out. I have to wrap my gift for the baby shower that I’m going to tomorrow. Hopefully, my fever won’t spike again! I’m sorry, this post is so sloppy today, I feel like it’s even more random than usual. Well, enjoy your Friday the 13th & have a lovely weekend!!