
Monday, June 30, 2014

Hazel Birth Story

Hazels Birth Story

Here I am, 41 weeks and two days pregnant and still no baby.  I had a Dr. Appt. the day before and Dr. said I was almost a two 80 percent effaced. This, just like every week before this wasn't very good news. I could not believe this baby was still inside my belly.

The night before our baby was born, I went to bed with some pains, praying this was it. I didn't even want to tell Jake, because I didn't want to jinx it.  About in the morning I was woken up by a sharp labor pain. I got really excited, could this really be it?! I told myself I was going to go back to sleep and see if another wakes me up. An hour later, I was woken up again by another sharp pain. This time I started timing them and they were minutes apart. Holy cow! So thats when I woke Jake up. He had an important day at school the next day, so I didn't want to head to the hospital unless we knew for sure this was it, plus I wanted to labor at home as much as possible. We went downstairs and started to play Mario, thats when we noticed the contractions were getting closer and closer, almost 4 minutes apart and starting to hurt bad. Oh my gosh, that came fast. We called my dad and he rushed over to stay with Lola. We grabbed our bags and were out the door. The entire way to the hospital my contractions were timing about 7 minutes apart, they starting slowing down. By the time we got to the hospital and into the room where you wait to be checked in they really slowed down. I started to freak out. The doctor (hospital Dr.)  came in and told me I could go back home if I wanted, that the contractions had slowed down and if I wanted to have a natural birth than there was no point of me staying. I told him that I needed a minute and when he left the room I just broke down. I was so disappointed, I knew what I felt and I didn't want to leave. The nurse came in and saw me upset. I told her that I didn't want to leave, I was pretty sure I was in labor and she told me she would call my doctor and see if he thought it would be okay if I got checked in and stayed. I knew that if I was to get checked in then I was going to have this baby, rather it was on its on or if they would have to get things going themselves. At that point, I didn't care, I was having this baby today and I was pretty dang sure this baby was on it's way, no matter what they said. So they called my doctor, who happens to be the coolest Dr. ever and he told them to let me check in and see if I start progressing again. Oh my gosh, I was soooo relieved and so excited! As soon as we got checked into our room and I got relaxed my contractions were back! I knew it. I believe the stress of me being so worried about it being false labor had slowed down my labor. Once I was clam and relaxed, this baby was ready! We got checked in about 10:00 am.

Once the nurse checked me again, I was at a 7. I knew I had hit transition. I was having hot/cold flashes, my legs were shaking and I pretty much thought I was going to die.  I kept looking up at Jake and telling him "I can't do this" The poor guy didn't know what to say, you could tell he just felt bad for me. He told me he was worried that since I was late he thought this baby was going to be too big for me to deliver and maybe I really couldn't do it, but of course he never said that out loud. He just held me through every contraction and cheered me on.  I suddenly felt the urge to push. I was standing of course, I do all my laboring standing. Laying in bed and laboring is not for me. I had another contraction and BOOM, my water broke all over the floor. The nurse rushed over to me. I think I remember her saying something along the lines of okay, "Page the Dr!" and then asked me if I could make it into the bed as she is holding her hands underneath me, as if she was ready to catch a baby. I'm pretty sure you could see the head and at that point I wasn't sure I could make it in the bed, I was in so much paint, but between contraction I managed to hop up in bed and when the next contraction hit, I had to push. My Dr. was not there yet, but a couple EMTs and the I'm pretty sure a Dr. was there. there were so many unfamiliar faces around, but I didn't care. I had to push, and this baby was coming! A couple pushes later and there SHE was. This itty bitty 6 lbs 6 oz, beautiful baby girl. I still got to hold her right away and all that natural jazz, even though my Dr. wasn't there. He showed about about 5 minutes too late, but the poor guy tried. This little girl came fast once I hit a 7. There was my baby, miss Hazel Jane. I think I remember smiling and saying "she looks like Lola." "Lola has a sister!" I was so excited, they had each other.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

40 week bump check

40 Weeks

June 3, 2014

how far along:  40 weeks

size of baby:   

maternity clothes:  Yes, please. 

weight gain: 27  Pounds 131 lbs total

symptoms: False Labor, tons of pelvic pain and pressure

looking forward to: Giving Birth!


cravings/aversions:  craving burgers!  


sleep: Waking up to pee a lot and hoping my water breaks!

gender: boy?

worries: That I will have to be induced 

what's different this time: I'm still pregnant!  

milestones: Made it to my DUE DATE! 

best moment this week: Keeping my sanity. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

38 Week Bump Check

38 Weeks
May 20, 2014

how far along:  38 weeks

size of baby:   

maternity clothes:  DUH!

weight gain:  25 Pounds still 129 lbs total.. will I make it to 130?! 

symptoms: braxton hicks, does nesting count? Pelvic pain and even pre-labor!

looking forward to: MEETING YOU! Please come soon! 

exercise: HA

cravings/aversions: Still craving burgers and bbq. 

movement: I can see your feet swipe across my belly sometimes. I can tell pretty much exactly where you are. Your butt likes to make an appearance on occasion as well. 

sleep: I turn over, then I turn over again, then I turn over again.. and again and again!  

gender: boy?

worries: Dr. said my belly is measuring two weeks small, so we had to get another ultra sound, turns out you are still perfect and they said I just make small babies.  

what's different this time:  I don't get braxton hicks when I go on walks like I did with Lola. 

milestones:  Full term, well, pretty much anyway! 

best moment this week: Celebrated my second mothers day last week, gosh I love being a mommy! Also celebrated your daddy's 30th birthday this week! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

34 Week Bump Check

34 Weeks
April 22, 2014

how far along:  34 weeks

size of baby:   

maternity clothes:  Yes, please. 

weight gain: 20 Pounds 

symptoms: heart burn & back pain while sleeping. 

looking forward to: Bring life into this World. 

exercise: Squats, squats and more 

cravings/aversions:  craving burgers and BBQ! Oh, and sweets of course 

movement: You are positioned just like your big sissy was, feet all the way on my right side, kicking me in my ribs. You are a party animal at night as well. You are lucky I am so in love with you!  Oh, and I felt your hiccups for the first time 2 weeks ago! You get them all the time, just like your sissy did!

sleep: Finally got out my snoogle!! Why did I wait this long?!?! That thing is AMAZING! Your daddy hates it though, oh well!  

gender: boy?

worries: Every little thing, is gonna be alright. 

what's different this time:  I have been getting Charlie Horses when sleeping, that never happened before. Oh and more heart burn, boooo!

milestones: Continuing the third trimester with a healthy, beautiful little baby in my belly. 

best moment this week: Mommy and Daddy bought 8 baby chicks! You my little sweet pea have some crazy parents! Easter was this week, as well. It was a beautiful day and you played in my belly while your sissy enjoyed playing outside at Grammy and Pa Pa Healey's house! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Lola Rae- 18 Months

Lola Rae- 18 Months

My sweet sweet, green eyed girl, I’m already starting to bawl just THINKING about writing this post.  The fact that my little Pnut is already a year and a half old just blows my mind. So much has changed since your first birthday, I don’t even know where to start.  You are turning into a little girl right before my eyes. You now weigh a whole 19 lbs 14 oz and are 31 inches tall.

You  make me so proud every day. I wake up to the sound of you mumbling “ ma ma ma ma ma ma” over the monitor, over and over again, until I walk in there and you greet me with your sleepy, sweet smile.  Sometimes, if I don’t get there fast enough it’s “ma ma ma ma ma” “da da?”  haha you make me and your father smile about a million times a day.  You bring so much joy to so many peoples lives already, with your sweet little waves and your sweet little southern sounding “hi” and “bye” s.  I never want to forget those.

You are a great eater, even though you hate foods that most kids love, pb&j, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, etc. forget it, you don't want it.  You want the good stuff, eggs, sausage, grilled chicken, you love mommy's green smoothies, you HAVE to start your day with a "nana" (banana) Of course you love any kind of fruit, who doesn't.  You still have never had anything to drink, except milk or water, I know, you are deprived. You have only had sweets a couple times in your life, man you are really going to think, I'm nuts when you read this one day. You eat great with you silverware, probably because you really don't like getting dirty, unless you can dip your fist in yogurt, for some reason that doesn't seem to bother you at all. ;)

You still love your "ninny" and your frog, which you have not gone a night without since you were born.

You love to dance. Mommy is going to put you in ballet ASAP. You love to walk on your tippy toes and spin and spin and spin. You get so dizzy and fall all over the place, which of course scares us, but you look so happy, you silly silly little ballerina of mine.

You are getting so smart. Your vocabulary is expanding more and more every day.  You are starting to repeat everything we say and using your signs less and less.

You know mommy has a baby in her belly, but you have no idea that it's about to come out and stay with us forever. I know you are going to be a great big sister, you are so sweet and just love babies and other children.

Some of your favorite things right now-

Baby “JO JO”
You are starting to watch “toons” Wheels on the Bus, Dinasour Train, The Color Crew and the movie Frozen are your favorites.
Your “Chicks”
Dancing like a ballerina
singing nursery rhymes with ma ma
Playing horsey with daddy

Lola Rae, watching you turn into this amazing, fun loving, always on the go, funny face, happy, clumsy, incredibly sweet little girl has been the biggest blessing of my life. You entertain me, you amaze me and you make me the happiest mommy on the Earth.  Every day with you is an adventure, that you for giving me the best days of my life so far.

Your Ma ma

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

30 Week Bump Check

         30 Weeks
March 25, 2014

how far along:  30 weeks

size of baby:   

maternity clothes:  Yes, please. 

weight gain: 18 Pounds 

symptoms: Pelvic pain, braxton hicks

looking forward to: Snuggling with a brand new baby!

exercise: I stopped the Tracy Anderson videos because my back started hurting. : ( sad lady. I'm still walking and I think chasing Lola around is plenty of exercise!! 

cravings/aversions:  craving burgers!  

movement: You have amazing dance moves. 

sleep: Back is starting to hurt. 

gender: boy?

worries: Should I be worried about something? Am I not normal for not having any? 

what's different this time:  Still very similar.  I feel like my belly even looks the same. 

milestones: Passed the Glucose test! 

best moment this week: Last week we went to Disney! By the end of the day my back and feet hurt like crazy and honestly if I would have waiting a couple more weeks to go, I'm not sure if I would have made it, but we had a blast and I'm really surprised I did so well, being so pregnant. No swelling and lots of energy still!  Also me and your daddy celebrated 7 years of being together, I sure do love that man. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

26 Week Bump Check

26 Weeks
February 25, 2014

how far along:  26 weeks

size of baby:   according to the bump a papaya, between 10.5-11.8 inches long and weighing 12.7 to 20.8 ounces.  Baby girl is starting to sleep in cycles, roughly 12-14 hours a day.  

maternity clothes:  Yes, please. 

weight gain: ?

symptoms: Feeling great!

looking forward to: Meeting you!!!

exercise: Still walking and doing my Tracy Anderson! 

cravings/aversions: Trying to cut out the processed foods, even if I crave them. I’m already starting not to miss them, yay! 

movement: You have been moving around so much lately, I absolutely love every second of it. I'm actually feeling your body move around, not just your kicks and punches. You even tickle mommy sometimes. ; )

sleep: so/so

gender: Still guessing a boy, but I love not knowing!

worries:  There was a little extra fluid in your kidneys at our anatomy ultrasound so we had  to get an extra ultra sound this week and everything was perfect! What a weight off of mommy's shoulders. Daddy acted like he knew everything would be fine, but I'm sure he was a little worried. You weighed 1 lb and 14 oz. I was great seeing you again, my little blessing!

what's different this time:  Still very similar.  I feel like my belly even looks the same. 

milestones: Continuing the third trimester with a healthy, beautiful little baby in my belly. 

best moment this week: Finding out that everything is perfect in our second ultra sound!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

22 Week Bump Check

22 Week Bump Check
January 28, 2014

how far along:  22 weeks

size of baby:   according to the bump a papaya, between 10.5-11.8 inches long and weighing 12.7 to 20.8 ounces.  Baby girl is starting to sleep in cycles, roughly 12-14 hours a day.  

maternity clothes:  Yes, please. 

weight gain: 111 pounds,  lost 2 pounds! So I have gained +7 pounds total. I like that number a lot better. ; )

symptoms: Feeling better now that I have been eating better and exercising more frequently. No sign of any pass outs while working out, which makes me happy happy happy. Still taking it easy though. 

looking forward to: Continuing a healthy 

exercise: I have been doing my pregnancy work out videos a lot more and walking on the treadmill.  

cravings/aversions: Trying to cut out the processed foods, even if I crave them. I’m already starting not to miss them, yay! 

movement: I’m feeling the baby actually move now, not just kicks and jabs. That is my all time favorite thing. I’m also feeling them more frequently through out the day, but night time is  when the baby is the most active. 

sleep: Hips are actually starting to feel better. Either that, or I’m just getting used to it. 

gender: Made it through the Ultra Sound without finding out! Yay! I love not knowing. 

worries:  Trying not to worry about anything, it’s all in Gods hands. 

what's different this time:  Still very similar.  I think my belly even looks the same. 

milestones: Hmm.. not a clue. Making it 22 weeks happy and healthy!  

best moment this week: Not sure about this week, but I would have to say the ultra sound was the best moment a couple weeks ago. I LOVE getting to see our baby! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

20 Week Bump Check

20 Week Bump Check
January 14,14

 Halfway There! 

how far along:  20 weeks

size of baby:  according to the bump a banana, about 6.5 inches long and weighing 10.2 ounces.  I have no idea what she is doing in there right now, lets just go with growing.

maternity clothes:  Yes, Yes! My belly really has “POPPED”J these last two weeks! It’s crazy what a different just a week or two can make! 

weight gain:  Umm I was 113 at the Dr.s this week, which means I have gained 9 pounds! Yikes! 

symptoms: Feeling good! Starting to get bigger and bigger!  

looking forward to:  Our Ultra sound this week!! Yayyyy! 

exercise: Pregnancy Project. 

cravings/aversions:  Well, considering I gained 9 pounds I am going to try my best to start eating better. I really don’t  know my weight gain at 20 weeks last time, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t 9 pounds. Time to give up cookies and bagels I guess. ;/

movement: Jake felt the baby for the first time this week!! Feeling the baby at night a lot! I love it. 

sleep: Hips are starting to hurt, dang it! I forgot this all happened this soon. I have to alternate sides a lot which doesn’t help, but I would say sleep is not too bad. 

gender: Hoping we don’t see anything on the ultra sound this week! 

worries:  Trying not to worry about anything, it’s all in Gods hands. 

what's different this time:  Still very similar.  I think my belly even looks the same. 

milestones: Halfway there!!!

best moment this week: Jake feeling the baby. ; ) Such a neat experience. 

 I can’t believe this second pregnancy is already halfway over with. Time is seriously FLYING! I am getting sooo anxious to meet our new baby, but I need to keep in mind that these next 5 months are the last months with just Me, Jake and our wonderful daughter. Life is so good.