
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Best Time of the Year

 Hello lovelies!
I can’t believe today is the last day of November! Boy, has this year flown by for us. It sure has been the best by far and it’s not even over yet. We are just now getting to the good part, the best time of the year….CHRISTMAS TIME!! (and most meaningful, don’t forget!)

So, who is excited for Christmas?! ME ME ME!! I know a lot of people dread this time of year because of the cold and ice… WA WA!  Okay, so I’m not a huge fan of the cold, but you have to admit, there is something beautiful about a ground covered in sparking white snow! As long as it snows and isn’t all rainy with the poopy, mushy looking stuff, I’m good.  I’m dreaming of a mega white Christmas this year. I wish it would snow every day, from now till January! I was so disappointed last year when that “blizzard” was supposed to come and never did… ; (  Maybe I have been listening to a little too much Bing Crosby lately.

So, I thought I would turn our house into a winter wonderland this year just in case it doesn’t happen outside. I bought this awesome fake snow from Hallmark, I think it’s about $7 for a little carton of it. I’ll post a video of how it’s made later on. After you guys see it, you will definitely want to go buy some. If you do decide to go get yourself a box of  awesome fake snow, there is a $5 off coupon online you can print off. I think I’m going to go buy another box this week. I hope Jake doesn’t mind that there might be another blizzard coming and it looks like it’s headed straight for our entertainment center! Hopefully it misses his Playstation ; ) haha J/K Jake! Sort of. So who else is dreaming of a mega white Christmas this year?

Here are some of my previous winter wonderland pictures. I can’t wait to take more this year!

 Hope you all have a lovely day!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

'Tis the Season to Bake!

So, I have a feeling that sweets is going to be one of the main themes in my blog, at least until we have a child. I was so close to naming my blog “Sweet Tooth”, because that is what I have! So, it is only natural that I would take up baking. It’s my new favorite hobby, especially since I got my Kitchenaid Mixer from my awesome Aunt Karen as a wedding gift! I promised her I would take care of the cookies for X-mas this year, but I’m sure I will talk all about that in a later post. Some people meditate, I bake..or run.  Baking makes me happy. I’m not sure why, I usually have a huge mess to clean up afterwards, but it does! Everyone ask how I’m not 400 pounds as much as I like to bake and eat sweets, but the secret is SELF-CONTROL! I will only eat one of whatever I make, just to try it out and make sure I’m not going to kill anyone. Lately I have been baking goodies for Jake’s office. Everyone teases me and says I’m trying to plump up all of the ladies he works with. HAHA! No, I’m just glad I have somewhere to send my treats. So, I usually make all of my stuff from scratch, but I saw these cute little boogers in the store and couldn’t help myself. They were just too lovely looking not to make and Jake loves anything Funfetti. They turned out not only adorable, but delicious! You all need to go buy a box right now! Well, that is all for now, hope you all have a lovely day! 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Just Lovely

I’m so excited to finally start my very own blog! I made a promise with Jake that I would TRY not to get too personal with you all, but we all know that is not going to happen. I mean come on, how can a blog NOT be personal, especially mine. I think this will be fun, plus it will keep me occupied. So here goes nothing, welcome to my lovely little life, enjoy!