
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

26 Week Bump Check

26 Weeks
February 25, 2014

how far along:  26 weeks

size of baby:   according to the bump a papaya, between 10.5-11.8 inches long and weighing 12.7 to 20.8 ounces.  Baby girl is starting to sleep in cycles, roughly 12-14 hours a day.  

maternity clothes:  Yes, please. 

weight gain: ?

symptoms: Feeling great!

looking forward to: Meeting you!!!

exercise: Still walking and doing my Tracy Anderson! 

cravings/aversions: Trying to cut out the processed foods, even if I crave them. I’m already starting not to miss them, yay! 

movement: You have been moving around so much lately, I absolutely love every second of it. I'm actually feeling your body move around, not just your kicks and punches. You even tickle mommy sometimes. ; )

sleep: so/so

gender: Still guessing a boy, but I love not knowing!

worries:  There was a little extra fluid in your kidneys at our anatomy ultrasound so we had  to get an extra ultra sound this week and everything was perfect! What a weight off of mommy's shoulders. Daddy acted like he knew everything would be fine, but I'm sure he was a little worried. You weighed 1 lb and 14 oz. I was great seeing you again, my little blessing!

what's different this time:  Still very similar.  I feel like my belly even looks the same. 

milestones: Continuing the third trimester with a healthy, beautiful little baby in my belly. 

best moment this week: Finding out that everything is perfect in our second ultra sound!